在上面的报道中,tiered pricing system指的是“阶梯计价系统”,而time-of-use pricing system指的是“分时计价系统”。阶梯计价指把户均用电量设置为若干个阶梯分段或分档次定价计算费用,分时计价指的是分时段计算电价,高峰时段电价较贵。
蔡国雄认为,分时计价系统能引导居民在高峰负荷时少用电,低谷负荷时多用电,从而有利于节约电力,建设low-carbon cities(低碳城市)。蔡国雄还说,分时电价的实行能推动smart power grids(智能电网)的发展。
4、退休金双轨制 dual pension scheme
Netizens called for the scraping of the long-time "dual pension scheme," in which civil servants and other public employees were entitled to pensions several times the amount of citizens employed by non-public entities.
在上面的报道中,dual pension scheme就是“退休金双轨制”。由于公务员、事业单位人员的退休金和企业退休人员的退休金差距太大,相当于两套退休制度,引起了许多民众的不满。Dual的意思是“双的,二元的,双重的”,例如:dual citizenship(双重国籍),dual personality(双重人格)以及电脑的dual core processor(双核处理器)等。
有关两种制度并存的说法我们最耳熟能详的莫过于One Country, Two Systems(一国两制),还有各种double-track mechanism(双轨机制),例如:double-track price system(价格双轨制)。与double-track mechanism相对应的则是single-track mechanism(单轨机制)。
5、学术评价体系 academic appraisal system
Shao Hong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body, also called for the establishment of anacademic appraisal system with less emphasis on quantity of academic papers and awards.
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